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Professional Activities

  • Co-Track Chair – ISCRAM Analytical Modeling and Simulation Track (2020-present)
  • Session Chair – 2022 POMS Annual Conference,  2021 POMS Annual Conference, 2018 INFORMS Annual Meeting
  • Meta-reviewer – ISCRAM Proceedings (2020-present)
  • Journal Reviewer – Journal of Operations Management, Natural Hazards Review, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Applied Artificial Intelligence
  • Conference Reviewer – Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) Proceedings, ISCRAM Conference Proceedings
  • Posters/Demonstrations Co-Chair – International Conference on ISCRAM (2020, 2021)
  • Local Arrangements Committee Member – International Conference on ISCRAM (2020, 2021)
  • Speaker – University of Central Florida Urban Resilience Initiative Leading Scholar Lecture Series, “Supporting Disaster Management with Non-Emergency eGovernment Systems”, with Christopher Zobel (2023)
  • Panelist – EENA Webinar on Introducing ISCRAM: Bridging research and public safety (2022), Virginia Tech COVID-19 in Context – A Deans’ Forum on Living with a Pandemic Series (2021)
  • Member – INFORMS (2016-present), POMS (2019-present), ISCRAM (2021-present)
  • Participant – INFORMS Doctoral Student Colloquium (2021), ISCRAM Doctoral Symposium (2021)