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Teaching Experience

Business Information Technology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University


      • BIT 3414: Operations and Supply Chain Management, Virginia Tech, one semester, Summer 2021

Overall teaching effectiveness score (out of 43 students): 5.63/6.00 vs 5.45/6.00 (college mean)

Selected students’ comments:

“The instructor is very kind, fair, respectful, and clearly wants her students to succeed and learn the material well. She is efficiently thorough with her teachings and explanations, while still allowing the students to challenge themselves and apply what they’ve learned through their course work.”

“I believe the professor was perhaps one of the best I’ve had in terms of grading fairness and understanding of student’s situations. These factors allowed me to focus more on the material rather than constantly scrambling to cover deadlines and due dates.”

“Providing countless opportunities to improve upon mistakes by holding consistent office hours, specific feedback, and positive reinforcement”

Detailed teaching evaluation report:

Teaching Assistant (2018-2020):

      • BIT 2406: Business Statistics, Analytics & Modeling
      • BIT 3434: Advanced Modeling for Business Analytics
      • BIT 4464: Advanced Supply Chain Management
      • BIT 4514: Database Technology for Business

Department of Industrial Engineering, Middle East Technical University

Teaching Assistant (2015-2018):

      • IE 206: Scientific Computing for Industrial Engineering
      • IE 241: Financial and Managerial Accounting for Engineers
      • IE 266: Engineering Statistics
      • IE 361: Stochastic Models in Operations Research
      • IE 415: Revenue Management
      • IE 418: Supply Chain Management
      • IE 451: Decision Analysis
      • IE 498: Systems Thinking
      • IE 4908: Humanitarian Logistics
      • EM 505: Decision Models
      • EM 506: Project Management


Undergraduate Student Assistant (2014-2015):

      • IE 252: Network Models